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How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your James Island Home

It is such a pesky situation if you find that your James Island rental house has a gnat problem. While it is true that gnats don’t bite or carry diseases, they have no business in a clean home. If you have ripe fruit, trash bags, and even potting soil, you can expect to have these pests as well. You wouldn’t know where they came from and it can be difficult to remove them. Unless of course, you know some tricks to keep these gnats away from your house for good.

Apple Cider Vinegar: One of the best ways to eliminate gnats without harsh chemicals is to use a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, and dish soap. The one-two punch combo of sugar and soap works by attracting and trapping the gnats. Find the place where gnats have gathered and leave this small bowl of mixture there.

Fly Paper: Flypaper is a low-cost way of getting rid of gnats. These sticky flypaper ribbons may not be the most aesthetic option but they can effectively get rid of these insects in your home.

Bleach the Drains: If you see quite a lot of gnats gathering around the sink drains, you may have drain flies. In this case, bleach and water is the answer. Pour the mixture in the drains to rid your affected drains and house of these pests. Let it work its magic and pretty soon, you will have a gnat-free sink.

Rotten Fruit: Since gnats like ripe fruit, having them in your house invites gnats as well. We can use this strategy to get rid of gnats. Place a piece of ripe or rotten fruit in a bowl and cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap. With the use of a toothpick, poke a few small holes in the plastic. The flies get in using the holes but somehow cannot figure the way out. The bowl can then be removed from the house with all the trapped flies inside.

Wine Trap: If you have some expired wine handy, you can use it to trap pesky gnats the same way. Using a small bowl, mix the wine and dish soap and leave it near the gnats. The gnats are then attracted by the bait and trapped in the wine solution.

Bug Zapper: An aggressive way of eliminating gnats is by using a bug zapper device. There are different kinds of bug zappers and they use electricity to zap flies, mosquitoes, and other flying insects. All you have to do is simply place the zapper in an out-of-the-way spot and plug it in.

Chemical Spray: But if the gnat problem gets seriously out of hand, you might have to resort to insecticides. Both foggers and sprays remove gnats easily but should be handled with care. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions when using chemical insecticides.

With all these methods to eliminate gnats, one of these is bound to be suited for your pest problem. Are you interested in learning more about how to keep your rental house pest-free? Visit Real Property Management Distinguished Care’s website for more information and contact us online to speak with one of our property managers!